Friday, 14 May 2010

The unknown placement.

Chris looked on into the vast void of indescribable nothingness.

Another unit approached him from his blind side.

'And you thought living was bad' communicated the passing unit

'I did actually' Replied Chris

'Well, you might just be dreaming' and with that the unit was gone.

And that was the whole point, how could he tell.

Chris walked along through the gloom, and found the place he'd been dreaming about for so long.

He tried to remember what it felt like to dream this state he was now in, and if he was indeed still in deep slumber.

He looked toward the compound, it was set exactly as he had remembered it. He was now facing a ramp head on, other units were moving back and forth, right in front of his eyes. Some were women, and one short blonde women seemed to be leading the others. They were busy, but they seemed to be rushing to do nothing at all. Chris watched for a while to satisfy this observation. He looked to see if he could recognize any of the workers, but could not see their faces properly. There was much movement within the team, which lead to no obvious results.

There was very little, if any noise coming from the compound, this struck him as normal for some reason.

Suddenly the unit leader shouted to him 'Have you found it yet?'

Chris unable to offer a reply, looked at her briefly and then followed the ramp across to the living quarters.

'We've been looking for too long now, we need to get back to work soon.....' The unit leader shouted after him, but Chris had already gone.

Walking around the living area, he could recall straight away, where he was to retire, it all looked the same, but felt different this time, like a dream never feels completely real, this felt as real as it possibly could. He touched the wall for a second, it was stone cold. The area was empty, it comprised of a huge space divided into rooms, with many beds layed out per room. There was no visible order to anything that stood here. He remembered that sometimes units would often swap places, nothing would ever stay the same for too long. Units would come and go, he would get to know them, then never see them again. Once a women turned up by his quarters to stay, asking if he had any cigarettes spare, he did and she arrived some time later, baring a large blue suitcase on wheels. Then she vanished without a trace and he couldn't remember anything more about her. He now had no cigarettes.

Chris followed steps leading to another ward of rest rooms, for some reason it was here that felt most familiar to him. He sat down and closed his eyes. As he did so he thought to himself that the compound seemed to be spotless, not a single spec of dust could be found anywhere.

Just then he heard another unit come through the landing door, left ajar by Chris, it was his Brother. Standing tall and silent, dressed in nothing but white, as he always did, Larry entered the room. Not a word was spoken, but Chris knew precisely what was to come next........................

Chris sensed the uneasy feeling that always hung heavy over the compound, but like always, he was now ready for the trip. He felt somehow that the air of horror that surrounded would soon follow him, and with that Chris was gone.

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